Author of the Book Mr. Socrates Tsoudalakis
On Sunday, June 25, the Cretan Federation of Australia and New Zealand organised the presentation of the historical book “The Cretan Pioneers of Australia” written by Mr. Sokratis Tsourdalakis. The event, which took place in the St. John’s College Sports & Art Centre was graced by the Most Reverend Archbishop of Australia, Mr. Makarios, who also made the official presentation of such a special book about the Cretan diaspora of Oceania.
The event was opened with a warm welcome by the Deputy Principal of St. Johns College Mr. Derek Sherwood as the host of the place that hosted such a special event, while the students of the College sang the National Anthems of Greece and Australia.
This was followed by a videotaped message from the General Secretary of Hellenism Abroad and Public Diplomacy, Mr. Ioannis Chrysoulakis from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece, who welcomed the attendees and congratulated the author of the book, Mr. Sokratis Tsourdalakis, for the historical document he created and is handing over to future generations so that to know and honor their deep Greek roots.
Then the President of the Cretan Federation of Australia and New Zealand, Mr. Antonis Tsourdalakis, took the floor, who welcomed all the guests and especially the descendants and families of the first Cretan immigrants. As he pointed out, it was a great honor for them to be at the presentation that was dedicated to their own families, to the Cretan pioneers who arrived from the island in the past century and laid the foundations for the next generations. Mr. Tony Tsourdalakis mentioned that this particular book is the second that Mr. Sokratis Tsourdalakis has written, and he is moved and feels great pride that his father leaves such an important legacy for the second time, so that the young Cretans do not forget their ancestors and their origins. Mr. Tony Tsourdalakis, among other things, expressed his warm thanks to Mr. Sokratis Tsourdalakis, who put all his knowledge and passion into writing this particular book. As he pointed out, the whole process was not easy, but with the Cretan stubbornness that he possesses and has inherited he managed to complete a landmark book about the Cretan diaspora of Oceania.

The official presentation of the book was made by His Eminence Archbishop of Australia Makarios. His Eminence spoke fervently about the remarkable work of the author, Mr. Sokratis Tsourdalakis. He emphasised that this particular book is a tireless effort to keep the candle of historical memory alive and to capture through its pages an important part of the historical past of the Greek Paroikia and especially the settlement of the first Cretans in the vast and immense Australian Continent almost two centuries ago. He also pointed out that through the struggles, the achievements and the progress of the Cretan Pioneers, the values and ideals of the Race were transmitted to these distant lands, and they preserved the language and faith by creating Greek Orthodox Communities and churches with a multitude of priests and archpriests of Cretan origin who served and are serving as deacons in Australia to this day. In closing, His Eminence expressed the warm wishes and congratulations of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomeus to the writer Sokratis Tsourdalakis for his contribution to Diaspora.
In addition, the University professor of Greek and History of the Greek Diaspora Dr. Anastasios Tamis was the official speaker who referred to the qualitative character and outstanding career of the writer Mr. Sokratis Tsourdalakis, stressing that through his life he demonstrated to his children and the thousands of students who had the good fortune to have him as a Greek teacher, the path of giving, of contribution and civic participation. His teaching had a national apostolic character supporting his students to become accomplished citizens, ready to contribute to their tradition, society and cultural heritage. Dr. Tamis pointed out in closing his speech that ” Sokratis, with his work, leaves as his legacy to the next generations the Cretan patriotic knowledge. This offer should be remembered, because the writings remain forever and offer indelible and eternal memory to all those who really sacrificed so that their children would have a better chance in this country”.
The presentation of Cretan descendants who shared the story of their ancestors with the public was also touching, thus giving a special and distinct tone to the presentation of the book. Mr. Christos Notsis, who was present himself, spoke about the never to be forgotten grandfather of Theodoros Manousakis, while Mrs. Ioanna Argyri from Brisbane sent a video message together with her ninety-six-year-old mother about her ever-memorable grandfather Konstantinos Chatzantonakis.
The last speaker was, of course, the Author himself, Mr. Sokratis Tsourdalakis, who, clearly moved and emotionally charged, referred to the difficult project which began in 2017 and was completed in 2022. He referred to the people who helped him locate all the Early Cretans after more than 190 years, and most of them had changed their surnames completely.

The author Mr. Sokratis Tsourdalakis also mentioned, among other things, that the book takes a historical journey into the past, and specifically 200 years ago, when the first Cretans arrived in the hitherto unknown Australia and brings to light the past of the Cretan homeland on the fifth continent. The first chapter refers to the life of the first Cretans who settled in Australia from the beginning of the 18th century. In the next chapter reference is made to their descendants, who served in the Australian army, in all the wars in which Australia took part, beginning with World War I and continuing to those who are serving today. This is followed by a chapter highlighting five Cretans who were among the founding members of the Melbourne Greek Orthodox Community, as well as a chapter on Cretan priests who served or currently serve the Greek Orthodox Church of Oceania. It is noteworthy that the book contains a name list of all the Cretans of Australia and New Zealand and their descendants in a total of about 8000 thousand names, since the first Cretan arrived in Australia until today.
The event ended with the customary feast, rich in traditional Cretan dishes prepared by friends and relatives of the Tsourdalakis’ family.
The event was also honored by the presence of His Grace Bishop of Kerasounta Evmenios of the Archiepiscopal District of Northcote, the archdeacon Athinagoras Karakonstantakis, the Archdiocese Chancellor Rev. Fthr Christophoros Krikelis, many Clergy friends of the Author, the President of the World Council of Cretans, Mr. Nikos Markogiannakis, the President of the Cretan Brotherhood of Melbourne Mr. Miltos Stamatakos, the President of Pancretan Association of Melbourne Ms. Aggie Mihelakis, the Chairman of the Battle of Crete & Greece Commemorative Council of Victoria, Ms. Natasa Spanou, the President of the Federation of the Elderly of Victoria, Mr. Yannis Kostoulias, the President of the Panhellenic Union of Veteran Reservists in Australia, Mr. Panagiotis Dourios, the President of the Federation of Messianic Organizations of Australia, Ms. Panagiotis Andrinopoulos, the Secretary of the Kalamata Association “23rd March” Ms. Kaiti Karabatsou, the Director of the College Omiros Mr. Douvartzidis, former students of Mr. Sokratis Tsourdalakis as well as over 200 attendees. The event was presented by well-known Academic Ms. Yiota Stavridou.
It should be noted that Mr. Sokratis Tsourdalakis has decided to offer the income from the sales of his book to the Cretan Federation of Australia and New Zealand to be used for various activities concerning the Cretan youth for whom he has great pride and respect.