The Cretan Federation of Australia and New Zealand was honoured to have the presence of high-ranking personnel from the Hellenic National Defence Force in Australia for this year’s events to commemorate the 83rd anniversary of the Battle of Crete.

Once again, the visit strengths the recognition of the sacrifices made by the Anzacs in 1941 and the enduring transnational friendship between Greece and Australia.

Leading the delegation was Vice Admiral Christos Sasiakos, Deputy Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff, accompanied by his wife, Maria Karadimitriou, Captain Pavlos Angelopoulos, Staff Officer of the Bilateral Relations Directorate of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff and Lieutenant Commander Stylianos Mitsiotis, Staff Officer of Public Relations Directorate of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff. The delegation was accompanied by Colonel Ioannis Fasianos, Military Attache of the Hellenic National defence force based in Canberra.

President of the Cretan Federation of Australia & New Zealand, Emmanuel Mountakis, expressed his joy that Australia was honoured with the presence of the delegation from Greece. “We were honoured by the presence of yet another High Ranking Military Delegation from Greece, representing the Hellenic Defence Force General Staff. This delegation was led by the Deputy Chief, Vice-Admiral Christos Sasiakos. This delegation added prestige to our events and reflects the seriousness and importance the Greek Government places on its friendship with Australia and New Zealand and the shared sacrifices of its military personnel.”

The delegation’s programme in Australia included events in Perth, Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne.


The legacy of the Battle of Crete was immortalised with the unveiling of Australia’s first ever memorial for this WWII conflict, in Kings Park. This was revealed during the wreath laying ceremony attended by the Western Australia Premier Roger Cook, Archbishop Makarios of Australia and one of the last surviving veterans of the Battle of Crete, Arthur Leggett OAM.


There were many commemorative events including a cocktail party at the Anzac Memorial in Hyde Park, the annual wreath laying ceremony at the Martin Place Cenotaph Monument, the annual dinner dance, and a doxology and church service at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Theotokos. During the delegation’s time in Sydney, a ceremonial olive tree was also planted at Lamia Barracks in Sydney and they met with Archbishop Makarios of Australia.


A memorial service and wreath laying for those who fell in the Battle of Crete was held at the Australian Hellenic Memorial, followed by a commemorative wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the unknown soldier – Australian War Memorial. The memorial service was attended by an Australian veteran of the Battle of Crete, who had fought to defend the island as a member of the ANZAC corps – 102 years old today – Mr. Les Cook of the 6th Division.


For the final city stop on the delegation’s Australian tour, they attended a number of commemorative events including the cocktail party at the Cretan House, a wreath laying ceremony at the Shrine of Remembrance, a secondary wreath laying ceremony at the Australian Hellenic War Memorial, a dinner dance at the Cretan Village, a church service and doxology at the Greek Orthodox Church of the Transfiguration of Our Lord and the official opening of the ANZAC Hellenic Memorial of Northern Suburbs at the Greek Orthodox Church of the Transfiguration of Our Lord.

“Vice-Admiral Sasiakos and the delegation arrived in Perth as invited guests and left Melbourne three weeks later as friends,” Mr Emmanuel Mountakis adds.

Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand

Although due to time constraints the delegation was unable to visit other cities and territories, the 83rd anniversary of the Battle of Crete was still honoured.

Northern Territory: Commemorative dinner dance at the Greek Church Hall.

Queensland: Commemorative dinner dance at St Anna’s Function Centre, Gold Coast and doxology and church service held at the Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Anna, Gold Coast.

South Australia: Commemorative dinner dance at the Festival Centre.

Tasmania: Commemorative doxology and church service at the Greek Orthodox Church of Street George Church, wreath laying ceremony at the Domain Cenotaph and a reception at the Hellenic Hall.

New Zealand: Commemorative doxology and church service at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, followed by a wreath laying ceremony at the Greek – New Zealand Memorial and community lunch at the Greek Orthodox Community Function Centre.

“Commemorations took place in every capital city in Australia as well as New Zealand’s national capital. I am proud of the work and dedication that all of our Member Organisations, their Committees, volunteers, supporters and sponsors have put in, to make sure the memory of our fallen ANZACS and Cretan people is never extinguished. I am especially proud of our Federation’s new National Board, who took on the huge task behind the scenes, of coordinating the various events and making sure that we were all focused and working together to honour this 83rd Anniversary,” the President of CFANZ concludes.